Planetwise published in Chinese!

Rev Dave Bookless, A Rocha International’s Theology Director, recently travelled to three cities in Taipei for the launch of his book Planetwise in Chinese. He was joined by Samuel Chiu, our SE Asia Coordinator who was responsible for its translation. For eight days Dave undertook a packed programme of lectures, sermons and interviews arranged by the publishers: CEF Press, based in Taipei.

He spoke to many different kinds of audiences, as this extract from his report shows, ‘After a day of seminars aimed at pastors and Christian workers, I spent an evening with the Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association. Next morning, Samuel and I led a two-hour seminar for all the CEF Press and Campus Fellowship staff on “Campus Ministry and Creation Care”. In the evening, we were treated to a magnificent banquet.’

He added, ‘Everywhere I’ve spoken, the audience has been well informed, well-read biblically and ecologically aware. There have been lots of thoughtful questions at every session, often about the scope of the gospel and the biblical message regarding the future. The younger generation, especially, understand the relevance of Jesus’ teaching to every part of life.’ Our hope and prayer is that this book (also in English, Dutch, German and French) which has stimulated Christians around the world to become ‘Planetwise’ will have a real impact on Chinese-speaking readers.

Dave speaking about the historical contribution of evangelicals to understanding and caring for nature at Grace Baptist Church in Taiwan. (CEF Press, Taipei)

Dave speaking about the historical contribution of evangelicals to understanding and caring for nature at Grace Baptist Church in Taipei. (CEF Press, Taipei)

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