
Care for Creation – Stephen Pattemore
Care of the Earth – Steve Graham
Caring for Creation – The normal Christian life – Stephen Pattemore
Climate Change and the Church – Nicola Hoggard Creegan
Environment and Faith: Matthew 6:25-34; Romans 8:18-25 – Pene Burton Bell
Imagination and Christian Hope – Andrew Shepherd
Lament, Despair and Hope in Creation Care – Amy Ross
Rev 7:9-17 and John 10:22-30 – Nicola Hoggard Creegan
Rich Living: Exploring Sustainability and Christian Faith
Season of Creation sermon Jer 18:1-11 and Luke 14:25-33 – Nicola Hoggard Creegan
Sermon for St Francis Day – Creation care and animals
The Son of Man Came Eating and Drinking – Richard Storey