Dr Rodel Lasco

Trustee, A Rocha International

Dr Rodel D. Lasco has almost 40 years of experience in natural resources and environmental research, conservation, education and development. His work has focused on issues related to natural resources conservation, climate change and land degradation.

He is an author of several reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the 2007 co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. He is a member of the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) in the Philippines. He is the Executive Director of the Oscar M Lopez Center, a private foundation whose mission is to promote action research on climate adaptation and disasters risk reduction. Concurrently, he is a senior scientist of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), a center devoted to promoting “trees on farms”. He is an affiliate professor at the University of the Philippines.

He is a multi-awarded scientist with over 80 technical publications in national and international journals dealing with the various aspects of natural resources conservation and environmental management. He pioneered research in the Philippines on climate change adaptation in the natural resources sector, and the role of tropical forests in climate change. He also spearheaded the Philippines sub-global component of the global Millennium Ecosystems Assessment.

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