Júlio Reis
International Webmaster
Júlio works part-time, and is responsible for our websites, social media, internet servers and email. He has an MSc in Computer Engineering from the New University of Lisbon and has been working on the internet since 1997. Júlio speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, plus Javascript and HTML. He lives in Western Portugal and in his spare time he helps manage a social and educational charity, the Vida Nova Foundation.
Why A Rocha?
It’s changed my life! I used to just watch wildlife on the TV – now the whole family enjoys discovering nature out of doors. Care for creation has become an integral part of our Christian faith.
What do you enjoy most?
It’s wonderful when I meet someone, now involved in A Rocha, who says, ‘I first discovered you through your website’, such as Mel. I’m a geek with a keyboard, but my job is really about reaching out to people!
Ana has a full-time job and you have four children. How do you manage to work from home?
I’m flexible! I take the two little ones to kindergarten and cook lunch for everyone, and usually manage my six hours each day, but I can work in the evening if I have to.
I couldn’t do my job without…
Statistics. I regularly check out our web traffic for a better understanding of how visitors use our pages and where they come from: India, UK, Philippines, France and USA are currently the top five. We know that numbers drop at weekends, and I can tell which news stories are most popular: in 2014 it was ‘Discover A Rocha Portugal’s laid-back birding holidays’. Our supporters love Mel’s short videos, which we already guessed, but we were surprised to discover that Peruvians stay on our site twice as long as the average, and return more often!