Dan Nolloth

Graphic Designer, A Rocha International

Dan Nolloth is a graphic designer, video editor and animator working three days a week for A Rocha International. Some of the projects Dan has turned his hand to so far have included work on the development of the A Rocha brand, the production of some key printed resources, and the creation of watchable content for our social media channels, including an animation for Gifts With A Difference and a video to thank A Rocha’s donors. Dan lives in Brighton, UK with his wife and son, Dylan, who is the voice-over star of the animation mentioned above.

Why A Rocha?

When I was growing up we had lots of weird and wonderful animals (and normal ones too!) around, so I’ve always had a deep love of nature and in turn, humans’ relationship with it. My uncle used to take me birding too, so I guess that, along with my minimal bird knowledge, sort of qualifies me to be part of this undercover “Birders Anonymous” group. I’ve got a long way to go though, before I’m a fully-fledged member like some of the others…!

What do you enjoy most?

In outside life, playing sports and music. Workwise, probably putting on some music (preferably something to sing along to!) and getting stuck into a chunky new project. What I’ve learnt through a skills audit we did at my last job, Strength Finder (recommended), is I love taking something basic and turning it into something excellent. I’m a Maximiser.

I couldn’t do my job without…

Adobe. Quite literally.

A Rocha at the COP 1 Nov 2021
Greening businesses in Ghana 1 Nov 2021
Latest news
The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021 is coming … 1 Nov 2021
Mapping the world’s coral reefs 1 Oct 2021