Bryony Loveless

Communications Assistant and Policy Researcher, A Rocha International

Bryony is a Communications Assistant and Policy Researcher for A Rocha International. In practice, this involves a few different things – including running A Rocha International’s social media channels, hosting a podcast and undertaking research to help formulate policy positions. Bryony previously has worked in the UK Parliament on environment issues, and in her spare time is a keen cyclist.

Why A Rocha?

I have naively spent my life assuming that every Christian everywhere must have heard of A Rocha, thanks to my grandparents being avid supporters for as long as I can remember. My grandpa is a biologist and a great nature lover – he would often take me for walks and tell me all about the plants, birds and bats. They have both taught me about the importance of looking after the environment which (though I didn’t at the time appreciate having to flush the toilets with rainwater!) has been such a gift.

What do you enjoy most?

It has to be working in such a supportive and fun-loving team. Whilst we do take our work and our planet seriously, we don’t take ourselves all that seriously!

Has A Rocha influenced the way you live?

Absolutely. I live in London, so my interactions with nature are in some ways limited. A Rocha has and continues to teach me to seek out those interactions on a day-to-day basis.

I couldn’t do my job without…


A Rocha at the COP 1 Nov 2021
Greening businesses in Ghana 1 Nov 2021
Latest news
The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021 is coming … 1 Nov 2021
Mapping the world’s coral reefs 1 Oct 2021