Work, study or play at Courmettes!

The A Rocha France centre in the hills above Nice offers holidays and courses to suit both English and French speakers.

16 April – 21 April: Volunteering week

If you are willing to work hard for 5-6 hours a day, helping to restore a pond and prepare ground for permaculture, and would like to experience the vibrant community life of the Courmettes team, which includes good food, worship and music, this might be the ideal, inexpensive holiday for you.

25 June -1 July: Creation, Christian Faith and a Precious World with The Faraday Institute.

How did the universe come into existence? Why is our world habitable? How do natural processes such as earthquakes or predation fit with the goodness of God? What does the Bible say about the relationship between human beings and the rest of creation? Come on this course to explore scientific and theological questions in stunning scenery, with time for solitude and relaxation. Read more

Dinner at Courmettes (Chris Walley)

Dinner at Courmettes (Chris Walley)

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