We hope you like it!

Mobile screenshot - thumbnailThe new A Rocha International website is live: after 12 months of planning, a competitive tendering process and the migration of 19 national websites. The fresh, contemporary design works on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop and laptop computers.

‘Our former website has been a faithful friend and worked well to signpost people to A Rocha International,’ said Sarah Cosgrove, ARI’s Head of Communications, ‘but it was time to redesign. Keen to maximise our budget, we opted to use WordPress which is free, on an open source platform. This meant we could focus the budget on design and functionality. We chose a UK-based company and their concept is stunning – so much so, that we have started to redesign our other communication materials to properly complement the new look.’

Amongst the new features are a ‘people finder’ and a clickable world map to show the areas where A Rocha has a presence.  There’s also an improved donations page and a greater emphasis on photographs.

‘Of course, the website will never be finished,’ added Sarah, ‘It’s constantly evolving.  I think our biggest challenge will be ensuring we provide up to date content in different languages.’

We hope you like it.

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