The climate agreement – from Paris to Pittsburgh

The Christian call to love our neighbours in the way of Jesus extends not only across the street but also around the world, to our human and non-human neighbours alike. President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement is a major setback to this call and global efforts addressing climate change. This moment in history is a vital opportunity for Christians to stand up together against this regrettable decision and demonstrate, just as they did in Paris, God’s love for people, the planet, and its climate. It is time for us to use our collective energy and resolve to connect with those in power and commit to combating climate change.

We, A Rocha International, along with our colleagues at A Rocha France, Ghana, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK and Climate Stewards, took part in COP21 in Paris where our presence was a catalyst to bring together national and international Christian organizations.

A Rocha International’s Director of Theology, Dave Bookless, was there too.  He recalls, ‘There was a tremendous sense of excitement and engagement − of a global movement among evangelicals coming together. It was particularly exciting to see the media interest caused by the involvement of global leaders such as renowned Climate Scientist Dr Katharine Hayhoe and WEA Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero.’

We will be doing all we can to show God’s care for people and the planet in Paris, Pittsburgh and everywhere else. As new governments are elected and those already in power adjust to President Trump’s decision, please join us to pray that Christians across the world will unite in their love for the planet and to pray with assurance that God can and will heal our land and all who live in it, for His glory.

Adoption of the Paris Agreement. Photo: UNFCCC (CC BY 2.0)

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