Research & Conservation newsletter now online

Vestal by Richard Mearns - thumbnailJeremy Lindsell vividly recounts his experiences in Ghana’s Atewa rainforest; Paula Banza talks about Portuguese moths and other pollinators; Peter Musembi is interviewed about coral reef research in Kenya and Raquel Arouca introduces our new conservation project in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, planned with communities who are struggling to live off the land.

Also, meet Dr Jean-François Mouhot who is preparing for the launch of Courmettes − A Rocha France’s very beautiful building in the hills above Nice − as an international environmental training centre. Read the December A Rocha International News.

Small image: The Vestal Rhodometra sacraria is a common moth in southern Portugal (Richard Mearns)

A Rocha at the COP 1 Nov 2021
Greening businesses in Ghana 1 Nov 2021
Latest news
The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021 is coming … 1 Nov 2021
Mapping the world’s coral reefs 1 Oct 2021