Politicians must follow the Pope

Pope Francis in March 2013 - presidencia.gov.ar (CC BY-SA 2.0)A Rocha welcomes the new Papal Encyclical Laudato Si (Praise be to you) – with its strong moral message on the environment. We urge all churches to read and reflect on it, and to put pressure on their respective Governments for the forthcoming United Nations talks on climate change at Paris in December 2015.

‘At a time when humanity’s actions are having an unprecedented negative impact on God’s world, it is vital that Christians of all denominations – along with those of other faiths and of no religious faith – unite to protect creation’s integrity,’ said the Revd. Dave Bookless, Director of Theology for A Rocha International.

Dave adds, ‘It is particularly encouraging to see a profound concern for biodiversity alongside a passion for those trapped in material poverty and trapped in over-consumption. The concept of ‘integral ecology’, where the needs of ecosystems, human societies, and economic flourishing have to be considered together, is commended as particularly important in framing how our global community takes responsibility for protecting and restoring our common home. Read the full Press Release.

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