July means summer camps!

Many A Rocha teams in the northern hemisphere will be running day camps or residential weeks for children this month, seeking to instil a delight in creation and the Creator. On 9 July, Czech youngsters will discover the theme of their week-long wildlife club: it’s always a surprise until they arrive! One year it was set in the American Wild West, another time they were craftsmen from the Middle Ages – anything is possible! From 17-23 July, Swiss children aged 9-12 will enjoy an outdoor eco-adventure, learning to identify all kinds of wildlife. At A Rocha Canada’s Brooksdale Centre, from 18-22 July, 6-12 year old  ‘Planet Heroes’ will learn through outdoor activities, music, skits and games. And in Finland, hundreds of 15-year-olds at Lutheran Church confirmation camps will be using A Rocha resources with an avian theme, to learn about environmental stewardship.



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