Join the father of biodiversity and save Atewa Forest!

World-renowned biologist and environmentalist E.O. Wilson is supporting our campaign to save Atewa Forest by signing our petition and writing to the President of Ghana. Dr Wilson has maintained a long-standing interest in the exceptional character of Atewa Forest and, in a recent book, listed Atewa as one amongst 38 important places on earth that humanity should set aside for nature.

In the face of the imminent threat to Atewa, Dr Wilson decided to write to the President of Ghana, highlighting the unique biological value of the forest, and the destruction that mining would necessitate. Dr Wilson reminds His Excellency Akufo-Addo about Ghana’s commitments to international agreements on biodiversity and sustainable development, and refers to the public support for a National Park at Atewa. He ends with a note of confidence in the President’s capacity to choose the right thing to make a decision for Ghana that would be exemplary to other nations.

Dr Wilson’s whole letter can be seen on his foundation’s website.

Let’s stand together with E.O. Wilson and sign the petition for a National Park!

Photo: Sage Ross

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