Creation care on the move in East Asia

Over 110 people from ten East Asian countries got together in a room in Hsinchu City, Taiwan Island. What did they talk about? Their calling as Christians to care for this world in which God has placed them.

Gathered together over five days in July, delegates attended workshops on science and biblical content from practitioners across the East Asia region, and plenary talks given by theologians, including biblical scholar, Richard Bauckham. To top off all that learning, having the chance to network and get to know other people engaged in creation care was a real gift. Samuel Chiu, A Rocha’s East Asia Projects Coordinator, reported that for some, it was their first time connecting with people engaged in creation care from other regions and even their own countries.

The East Asian conference is one in a series of regional conferences put on by the Lausanne / WEA Creation Care Network, supported by A Rocha and, in this case, the Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association and Campus Evangelical Fellowship. One of the main goals of the conference series is to spark national and regional networks of churches and Christians caring for creation. Samuel told us that he was delighted to see the cooperation and momentum building from the conference – for example, the Hong Kong participants plan to hold a local conference, are exploring the Eco Church scheme, and hope to publish creation care materials.

Stay tuned to see what happens next!

Samuel addressing participants from across East Asia, including Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan Island, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore.

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