Climate lobbying in London 

1 Jul 2015
climate change

A Rocha UK outside ParliamentCreating a low carbon economy needs ‘a vision of God’s kingdom on earth’. That was the message the Bishop of Salisbury gave to nearly a thousand people at an ecumenical service during the Speak Up For The Love Of climate lobby in Westminster on 17 June. ‘We need to make the transition to a low carbon economy,’ said Bishop Nicholas, ‘The science, economics and politics all point in the same direction – and we need the spirit to do it. We need to do things differently and seek to live in the ways of God. That’s about having a vision for God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.’

Held a few minutes’ walk from Parliament, where 9,000 people were lobbying 330 MPs, the service was led by Dr Ruth Valerio, Churches and Theology Director of A Rocha UK. Ruth interviewed Michel Monginda Mondengele of CAFOD, who described how climate change has ravaged his homeland, Niger. ‘Soil has been depleted and seasons have been turned around,’ he said, ‘People have resorted to drastic means to survive.’ Prayers were led by leaders from many denominations.

A Rocha UK’s Conservation Director, Andy Lester, was part of a group co-ordinating the service and another worship event at Parliament Square, together with Christian Aid, CAFOD, Tearfund, the Salvation Army and other agencies.

After the services, worshippers joined others to share their concerns with MPs.

Image: Clive Price

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