Christmas Gifts with a Difference!

Photo: Craig Mercer

We’ve launched our online gift catalogue: please visit to discover the positive impact for vulnerable children, over-worked women and some of Africa’s rarest birds. Browse through our products: you can pay in many currencies.

One of the gifts you can give is a fireless cooker: a basket filled with insulating material such as dried grass or sawdust. After heating up food in a cooking pot over a stove or fire, the owner places the pot in the fireless cooker where it can stew for several hours. This environmentally-friendly method uses much less fuel and saves hours in the kitchen, allowing mothers like Josephine Namatoru to take control of their own time. Josephine (pictured), who is 32 years old and lives in Kampala, Uganda, says it is most helpful when she needs to attend a medical appointment. Previously, she struggled to attend, but now she can get dinner started in the fireless cooker, go to the clinic and still have a hot dinner ready for her family of five on her return. The money she saves on fuel also allows her to buy better food, such as fresh avocados, so they are all healthier!


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