Be part of the Great Global Nurdle Hunt!
There’s still time to register your involvement in the 2019 Great Global Nurdle Hunt and join A Rocha organizations taking part from 8-17 February.
Nurdles are plastic pellets about the size of a lentil (around 2-3 mm wide) and are the building blocks of the plastics industry. They are used to make a wide range of plastic products from water bottles to car parts.
Thousands of tonnes are lost to the seas each year from accidental spills – over 160,000 tonnes in Europe alone – which can happen at any point during production, transport or processing. Once at sea, the nurdles are often mistaken for food and eaten, causing harm to an array of marine life.
You can provide vital data to help raise awareness about this ubiquitous problem plastic and encourage industries and Government leaders to take action. Find out more and get involved.