Andy Atkins leading A Rocha UK

5 Jan 2016

Andy Atkins (photo JJ)Welcome to Andy Atkins: It’s a new year and a new job for Andy, who joins A Rocha UK this month as their Chief Executive Officer. Andy most recently led Friends of The Earth for seven years, championing nature restoration and bold action on climate change. He previously worked with Catholic international development charities CAFOD and Progressio, before setting up Tearfund’s policy and campaigns work. He was a founder of the 2005 Make Poverty History campaign. A key motivation has been his Christian faith and his childhood in northern Australia. ‘I grew up in a beautiful tropical environment alongside racism and other injustice,’ he said. ‘At an early age I realised God cared about these things and thought I’d better do something about it!’ A Rocha UK’s Chair of Trustees, Steve Hughes, says, ‘With his broad experience of charity leadership, coalitions and working across denominations – together with his passion for the environment – Andy is uniquely qualified to take us into the future.’ MORE

Photos: JJ

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