A song for the future appeal

Colin Jackson with Fischers Turaco - cropped + editedA Rocha protects some of the world’s most bird-rich forests and wetlands. These include Boundary Bay, SW Canada; Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Ghana; and the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Dakatcha Woodlands, Kenya. We invite you to enjoy some of the glorious bird songs and strange calls that you would hear if you visited these wild and wonderful places, and many others. Explore our interactive map, choose a site, and immerse yourselves in the sounds of nature …

As you listen, you might like to pray that future generations will hear these songs in these places. Please pray for the local communities and A Rocha teams who are working together to make this happen.

Could you make a donation?

Worldwide, A Rocha centres are bringing together students, volunteers and biologists to carry out research and monitoring projects. A Rocha International’s Science and Conservation team provides them with training, guidance and expertise. But we need your help! If you feel able to give, you can do so online, by cheque or directly through your bank account.

Small image: Common Nightingale (hhhalberto via Flickr – light adjusted and cropped – CC BY 2.0)

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