A Rocha at Birdfair and Greenbelt

Birdfair stand - croppedChris Naylor, Executive Director of A Rocha International, will be talking about his new book Postcards from the Middle East at two English festivals this month: the British Birdwatching Fair on Sunday 23 August and Greenbelt on the evening of Friday 28 August. If you’ll be at either event, why not come along to buy your signed copies?

The A Rocha stand at the Birdfair will be in Marquee 6: at exactly the same spot as in previous years, but note that the marquees have been renumbered. If you come on Sunday please arrive early and join us at the Christian Service in the Events Marquee from 9.30 – 10.00. It’s a wonderful opportunity to hear wildlife author and educator David Chandler, and to worship with birdwatchers from around the world. Chris’ talk will be in the AWBC from 10.30-10.50.

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