A dragonfly reserve for A Rocha UK?

1 Jul 2014

A long-term supporter has offered A Rocha the opportunity to purchase 12 acres on the Essex/Suffolk border, in SE England, for £45,000. The land is adjacent to the River Stour and has two ponds: 19 species of Odonata have been recorded, including Small Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma viridulum which has only recently spread from the continent into the UK. The site is in a Biodiversity Action Plan priority area for freshwater marshlands and with 24 species of butterfly, it has remarkable conservation value.It would be wonderful if Foxearth could become an A Rocha nature reserve, a special place where church, student and community groups, as well as inner city children, and perhaps you too, could visit for projects and pleasure. Please help us make a dream come true.

One of the ponds at Foxearth. (Mairi Johnstone)

One of the ponds at Foxearth. (Mairi Johnstone)

Small image: Broad-bodied Chaser Libellula depressa (Peter Harris)

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