Meet A Rocha

We are a Christian organization engaging communities in nature conservation

A Rocha responds to the global crisis of biodiversity loss by carrying out community-based conservation projects. Through residential field study centres, site-based projects and wider advocacy, A Rocha:

  • Carries out ecological monitoring and research in areas of high value for wildlife;
  • Spearheads practical measures for conserving and restoring habitats and their fauna and flora;
  • Encourages appreciation of nature and participation in its conservation, through environmental education and community outreach;
  • Provides a forum for understanding the relevance of the Christian faith to environmental issues.

Our first initiative was a field study centre in Portugal, and so our name is Portuguese and means ‘The Rock’.

Where we’re working

A Rocha is present in 20 countries around the world. Use the map below to find out where our organizations, local groups, field study centres, Friends and projects are.

2019: how your support helped

Where your money goes

A Rocha is funded by a wide variety of sources: governmental and intergovernmental grants, trust funds, individual donors and churches. In 2020 the global income was 6.4 million GBP. A Rocha International is the body that supports A Rocha National Organizations and Associated Projects, publicizing the work at an international level and fostering the emergence of new initiatives. Each A Rocha National Organization is a separate, independent, legal entity.

Climate Stewards is part of the A Rocha network, encouraging us all to reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can and offset the rest.

A Rocha International’s expenditure in 2020

A Rocha’s global income

The pie chart shows the undesignated income in 2020 for A Rocha International and the total income for the A Rocha National Organizations, Associated Projects and Climate Stewards.

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Our distinctives
Our field study centres
More about A Rocha
Our people
Our history